Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dragging it on

Done for realz! On the 30th, we will all be gathering in the auditorium to watch the finished product. Filming is finally complete, I know i've been saying it the last couple blogs, but i'm positive now. After filming the last few weeks, it made me realize that it takes so much more than a camera to film a movie. Ever single part is important, and putting in all of your effort will give you the best result. As I said before, its sad to see the project come to an end, there will never be another one like it. Although there will be plenty more higschool expierences to come, I will always remember this one, oh and the friends i've made while doing it! I learned alot about acting while doing this project, I have acted before, never have I had so much fun doing it though. Most of the takes have more shots of laughter than actuall film, the bloopers are just down right funny. I'll miss being with everyone, probably going back to our lives in highschoool, back to the real world, cliques, the best part was getting away. Getting to meet new people you never thought you'd talk to. Romeo and Juliet will forever hold a place now in my mind, making the learning expierence 10 times better.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I think i'm done:/

It's pretty sad knowing this great filming is coming to a close, the final date for all film is the 15th of April. Being not that far away, I am totally excited to see all the parts come together. Iowa is almost done I think too, I really cant wait to see what they have come up with, totally great working with them by the way. Also, grades are coming up and i'm excited to see what the amount of effort I have put in is going to get me graded. I know the music is going to be terrific - kudos to Kenny.  Mr. Provenzano, has literally put his heart and soul into this project, taking time from his out of school life to put this together. 
I've made a lot of friends from this project, there so funny and cool.  I have nothing more to do, besides be an extra I guess, possibly a little more filming to do, since we lost some... Juliet and I are totally BFF since the project started, it is exciting to meet new people. I loved this project.  It may have taken up some time but it was completely worth it(:

- Nurse. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coming to a close

Its pretty clear that I already posted earlier today, but theres other things I forgot to include in my last post. Not just because i want to get extra credit...Anyway ive gone over most of my lines and it looks like im pretty much done. Its almost sad that this great project that "no one in the world" has ever done before is basically finished. Everything was so fantastic and amazing, every single person that has worked on it gave it 110 percent. Mr.Provenzano has put his heart and soul into this project despite everything that he has going on, put it all aside for his english classes. Taylor swift never got back to us about her music, but im sure she would be extatic to know that we would want to use her song in our project. I have nothing more to say because im too tired to keep writing, ill probably post again tommorow. Just for kicks.

Bad news Bears

Filming, completely out of wack. Not nearly as smooth as we think it is, we have bloopers every other take (even though its hillarious) it wastes time like no other. All of the actors for Act 3 know their lines really well so that is going good, but as for scene 5... it's just a whole bunch of crazy. Mr. Provenzano and I have been freaking out all day about taking the time to refilm, as for me, we have had to reschedual more than once.(sorry) We are deffinatly in a huge time cruch, loosing scenes and overtaping things, messing up is something that happens alot so that is killing us. We are basically running around with our heads cut off at this point, I know that it will get done though, and it will be great. We have been blogging twice a week, keeping everyone updated. Its helpful to know what is going on with everyone, although it takes up some time. Whatever about everything, I just want to get it done!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What i'm gonna do now is Freak the Freak out.

My life is litterally crumbling under my feet with this whole play, next to lacrosse it's killing me. We were supposed to film at my house tommarow...BUT! of course I have a lacrosse game, my moms having a dinner party and we were supposed to film.. why? I've had to switch everything around at least twice, so now we have to film at Riana's house, I have to walk from Rianas house to the game. AAAAAH, it's so much more to handle than I thought I could take. But luckly we have a great team at South, and are able to pull things together in the most tricky of matters. The theme song to my life right now is Freak the Freak out by Victoria Justice, listen to it, and you will know how I am feeling at the moment. PS: we had a LAX game yesterday and well... WE WON.

- freaking confused noelle.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nights that we be filmin*

Last night we filmed at my house, it was a lot of fun. We had pizza, pop and chips - so no one would get hungry. We also finished filming scenes 2 &4 from Act 3, they tuned out pretty good. Although there were plenty of bloopers - the shots came together really, really well! I dont really know what will happen after this, but hopefully this entire project will turn out the way we want.
I'm too tired to keep typing but - I'll make another one tommarow. Remember - NO SWEARING.

- noelle.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gettin to the hard stuff

Aaaah! So much stress, between lax and filming I don't know how I am going to keep up. But I know my get go feel for things will help me along the way, act 1 was really hard to film, because we were all new in the business. Things have been getting a lot better, my lines are coming easier to me and my acting companions and I are getting along splendidly; we rehearse lines together sometimes, its fun! Act 3 is coming up tomorrow and we are filming at my house, I hope everyone enjoys it, after this i'm going to spend the rest of the night cleaning to make it look really good. Juliet and I have also been hanging out a lot which helps the chemistry through out the scenes. Scene 5 was just down right awesome to shoot, we all had so much fun doing the dance scene, and things got a little steamy, when the kissing part was afoot! 

Well I'll be off to clean and study my lines! Adios 

The Nurse 

Monday, March 28, 2011

The filming process begins!

Last friday the filiming began, it was a whole new experience. It was super fun to do it to. Scene 2 Act 1, I had a ton of lines - due to bad lighting and a shakey camera - I look totally dumb but I know my effort is what counts. I'm going to make this short because I have to do a disscusion question - for a FAT grade.
I'll return soon to fill everyone in on the details of being the nurse!

Friday, March 25, 2011


I just got my brand new script! The whole 9 yards - it is fantastic, i've just highlighted all my lines and am about to begin memorizing. Mr. Provenzano has been blowing up my cell phone with his excessive twitter feeds - Taylor Swift - where are you? The skype with Iowa was pretty sweet, I got to meet new kids from Van Meter! We havent got everything that under control Iowa...if thats what you were thinking! Going to go memorize some lines!


Costume Notes!

These are the costume notes for the entire project!
Capulets will be sticking to a white color scheme, for innocence and purity.
Montagues will have a red color palet to represent rebellion, young love and lust.
These outfits will cordinate through out the whole film - untill the very end when the colors combind.
The Friar will be wearing both red and white through out the film, to represent the joining of the two families.
After marriage, Juliet will be wearing red, instead of taking the last name, she will adopt the color!
The prince will be wearing royal colors such as purple and blue. Also for Tybalt, a mix of black and white, black representing the evils in him, and white representing the capulet family.
The colors may change depending on the scene.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My schedule!

Monday - Fridays; unavalible from 3:30 to 5:30 - lacrosse practice
Saturdays - not avalible untill 11:00am
Sundays- I'm free!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today - a new day!

Today during class, we were at the computers. I did nothing but stalk the van meter kids blogs.. It was fun getting to know what they had been working on - even though they had been on spring break these past couple days. I read over my new lines for act 3 scene 3, they are phenomenal; kudos to Victor Flynn, and Amanda S. I'm actually really stoked for the whole script to be ready, because I have to start memorizing soon or  I could mess up! I re-did a couple of things on my blog, trying to improve it, making it better for an obvious better grade. Mr. Provenzano and the director Matt W, are really stressing on how important it is to stay on task, I completely agree...even though I wasn't totally on task today my self...(: Hoping for a productive tomorrow, gooodnight! 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Got the Script!

Just got the script today, made some changes. For the most part it was really, really good! I finished reading the play also, making it easier for me to understand my part. Everything has come together beautifully; all the kids are putting in great effort to get the movie/play ready, I changed my name from nurse to Noelle! Progress is key for right now, I'm not really sure when I will get the scripts for the rest of the acts, hope they will be good also. Mr.Provenzano wasn't here today, so I didn't really get to catch up on whats been going on; meeting on next Wed, I'll be going to see the result from just this week. I'm more excited than I was before because I saw everything that everyone had put together while I wasn't there; GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Idaho kids are doing pretty well from what I can see, can't wait until its finished!
- Nurse Noelle.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Nurse

Hi my name is Noelle,

In my English class we are currently reading the play Rome and Juliet! My teacher, Mr. Provenzano, came up with a brilliant idea to film it and combined it with a different class from Idaho. I was cast as "The Nurse" which will be Juliet's best friend, because the play is based in a modern day high school. I haven't received the script yet but i'm sure it will be wonderful, I am totally excited for the movie/ play to begin to come together! Basically each kid from the class is playing a part in the play; from an actor to a director, also prop guys and advertisers. I don't really have any idea what the nurse is like yet, but hopefully her name wont be nurse...LOL. I've been trying to prepare by reading the play and looking up the part online so far, I have seem to got the part down by now but only time can tell. This project is going to be completely epic from what everyone is saying, apparently the entire class is going to be famous, joke. But this is pretty big - says Mr. Provenzano. Well I'm psyched!!